Sri Lanka. A resilient Nation – First hand experience of what Sri Lankan people are like

Sri Lanka. A resilient Nation – First hand experience of what Sri Lankan people are like
A country that could be shaken, but never broken – Sri Lanka needs very little introduction.
As you may have by now understood, this edition of our newsletter is dedicated to those who have left us during Easter Sunday attacks in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa, while at prayer or having a joyous meal at a 5-star hotel.
While travel warnings may have been issued, it’s safe to say that the country has reasonably gone back to its original state with the general public going about their daily chores. However, what remains a daring feat combined effort taken by the tri-forces of tackling the terror just within a few days following the tragic events, uprooting every inch of doubt that could have flogged our minds. Not once have we defeated terror, but twice.
Although the country might take a good few weeks to fully stabilize and regain its previous glory, there is no imminent threat or any terror groups at large that would sabotage daily activities or hinder travel plans

BUT….. there is one thing the country never looses – its warmth and hospitality. This is how we were able to spring back-up to life after a 3 decade old war that rocked the nation. 10 years have gone-by, and the country flourished with sky scrapers, a port city and many multi-million dollar international hotel chains, not because Sri Lanka was thought to a ‘third world’ country – but for the very reason that it’s a simply a haven, that one cannot resist!
So think, 30 years of war undone in less than 10 years, and what 01 day of terror undone just a few days later.

As these terror attacks have made highlights internationally, different opinions and news reports of the nature of Sri Lankans have surfaced causing much discomfort to many communities. Hence, we thought it would be befitting to unravel some of the most exquisite village tours, where travelers like yourself can understand true Sri Lankan communities by sharing their homes in some very beautiful little villages.
Learn what rural Sri Lankan life is like by living the ‘village experience’. Get on board oxen cart rides, catamaran rides, and stroll through hundreds of acres of paddy fields. Witness fishing communities get to there daily tasks of fishing in lakes, while you join them in their daily catch! These village experiences are the ideal detox to weeks full of work and home-chores.

Village Market Experience
How about a tour to the local market? Pick your own basket of vegetables and fruits at the local market where sellers flock to sell their product at reasonable prices.
Cook with a local family
That’s not all! Learn to cook Sri Lankan food, with a local family using the ingredients you just bought from the local market at their house for lunch.

Village bakery experience

The varieties of breads and buns available in a rural bakeries outdo the neatly baked and stacked bread that lie on the shelves of urban bakeries. Take a bite into these delectable delights that might be full of carbs but are too good to keep out from!
These experiences will re-define ‘Simplicity’ and restore your faith in the Sri Lankan people!
Who Are We?
We are Antiquity Sri Lanka. We offer bespoke tours to the tropical island where you will find yourself lost in the marvels of the country, while we take care of all the details.
Speak to our team of friendly and warm customer agents who’ll craft the very best packages that fit your exact requirements.
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