Nothing could beat the best – Sri Lanka returning to its former Glory of World’s Best Place to Visit

Nothing could beat the best – Sri Lanka returning to its former Glory of World’s Best Place to Visit

It was not long ago when the lonely plant titled Sri Lanka as the best place to visit, and then tragedy struck the island nation that experienced a series of devastating events shaking the entire country.

Whilst, the country slowly recovers from the economic sludge the situation has created, little is there to worry about the safety or the myriad of adventures it has to offer.

In addition to discussing the many exciting places to visit in Sri Lanka, we thought of taking you behind the scenes of the tourism industry, and how your decision to visit Sri Lanka could help the communities.

Tourism has been and will be for a long time entrenched into the Sri Lankan economy. What is less seen is the cyclic effect of one traveler’s decision of coming to Sri Lanka and how this effect is multiplied over the hundreds and thousands of traveler’s visiting us. It all starts with one click, the ‘Book Now’ button, thereafter it’s beyond comprehension how this one click could generate a cycle of revenue for many individuals, businesses and families. From the point of booking your itinerary; transport, lodging, and the various things in between support either an individual, a company or a family at large. So, when a traveler decides to cancel her’s or his booking, this effect is completely reversed, with all anticipatory income lost to the parties in between. Restaurants, shopping stores, small item sellers and even beach boys are all in this cycle of tourism that was hit hard. Now, multiply that reverse effect into thousands of travelers? Unimaginable isn’t it? And that’s how an economy could come to its knees.

This is how we rely on each other, waking up with the hope that sooner or later, everything could turn back to normal like it never happened in the first place. Well, how do we overcome? Simple! Visit this marvelous island, waiting to welcome you from all corners! There’s not one country that doesn’t experience political instability or is hit with a few bad events here and there, what matters is how fast they get back, and how well you can support!

Here are a list of some bizarre, but must-do place in Sri Lanka.

Delft Island – Jaffna

This little island bears its own little population and sits just off the coast of Jaffna. Hop on a boat from the mainland which is only available either once or twice a day, and set sail to a bizarre island, full of some quite people and unusual sites.

Brief Garden – Beruwala

Bevis Bawa – the brother of world renowned Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa re-created his love for things in the form of a garden. The place lies passing paddy fields, and is cute little things for all you who have a knack for cute little things.

Helga’s Folly Kandy

Very outlandish in appearance, Helga’s Folly sits in Kandy, a restaurants that is the brainchild of local artist with a very flair for eccentrics – Helga Blow. This can be booked online.

Who Are We?

We are Antiquity Sri Lanka. We offer bespoke tours to the tropical island where you will find yourself lost in the marvels of the country, while we take care of all the details.

Speak to our team of friendly and warm customer agents who’ll craft the very best packages that fit your exact requirements.

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